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You must be aware that anyone who writes a book, and spends a lot of money producing and marketing it would naturally want to get paid for it. So, it seems I must be nuts, and a very poor excuse for a wealth builder because I give this book away to anyone who wants it. I don't even charge for postage when I ship it. It would seem I would lose money, rather than make any. And to make matters worse, I actually encourage, even implore people to make and distribute copies freely to everyone they know, without making a dime in royalties for my trouble. Surely I must be absolutely crazy! After all, the last book I authored, and marketed on the Internet has already sold hundreds of thousands of copies all over the world, and has brought in a rather substantial amount of wealth. It would have been so easy to do the same with this book. So why do I give this away, and ask you to distribute to everyone you care about, absolutely free?

First, I want you to remember Carl and Bob, the two car salesmen in Secret #3. Carl was an asset, and Bob was a liability. Rember that - there will be a quiz at the end of this chapter :o) By giving this away, I increase my "asset quotient". By sharing it with everyone you know, you do the same.

Yes, I know this book is quite small, but I have never been a believer in placing 30 pages of solid info among 200 other pages of "fluff" and filler. The info in this book is solid, sound and straight to the point, as it should be, since this book is not meant to entertain, but to open eyes.

I believe in magic. More to the point, I know the magic works, because this "magic" has already created all the wealth I require. Assuming you have read this little book, you have heard it repeated over and over that it is just as important to help others to achieve wealth as it is to achieve it for yourself. It's basic logic - you can't get blood from a stone, and you can't get much money from poor people! It stands to reason that, if you help others to achieve their goals, they will have to bend over backwards to help you achieve yours. They realize that you cannot make them richer if you are broke, and vice versa. His wealth is provided, in part, by you. He needs you as much as you need him. Conversely, if he is not helping you to achieve your goals, you will do business with someone else who will.

So, let's take a look at what I get out of giving this book away.

  1. I help a lot of people to increase their own wealth, which in turn will add to my own wealth. As their excess money gets into circulation, I will surely attract some of it - if not from you, then from someone else you spent money with. Sooner or later, it will come to me.
  2. I increase my visibility and credibility. As more and more people discover that I can help them - and have done so, freely - they will be more apt to come back to see what else I can help them with. They will already know that I am capable of providing that help.
  3. By helping people freely, and without any obligation whatever, they do not feel obligated in any way. People feel better when they are not obligated, and they act more freely. They know that, while I may be out to gain greater wealth, they will also know that I only want to do so in a way that benefits them, rather than in a way that is purely built on greed. They will know I am sincere. They will know that I believe enough in what I write that I practice it.
  4. People will have proof that these principles work. Whenever someone receives or distributes a copy of this book, the principles have worked. It serves as its own proof.

While this may not seem to have any real importance to you, think again. By distributing this book far and wide, it will profit most readers to some degree, and some to a great degree. As their own wealth grows, so grows yours. Don't think for a minute that they won't remember who gave them this book. Some won't, but those who use it to create wealth are the ones who will remember, and that's what counts. The more wealth there is in your circle, the more wealth you are likely to amass. Simple logic.

This is why I ask you to please, tell everyone you know and care about how to find this webpage. Email everyone on your mail list and tell them to READ THIS BOOK!

If you have found any value in this book; if you feel it has wisdom to share, then please share this info with everyone you can, and it will reward you well into the future. All that I require is that you do not change or omit any words, and do not copy this material to your own website link to, instead, and never use this material for commercial purposes (no selling access to it). Everyone deserves to have this information absolutely, positively free, not just those who can afford to pay for it.

If you care about someone, why not give them the same chance that I have given you? I ask nothing from you except that you share with others, that which I have shared with you. Let it grow, like a kernel of corn, and your own prosperity can grow with it. What have you got to lose?

OK, now for the quiz I promised. You remember Carl & Bob? This is where we find out if you have actually learned anything from this little book. So, here is the question:

Will you be a Carl, or a Bob? Bob (the liability/loser) would just say, "Nice little story", then walk away without sharing this. Carl (the asset/winner), on the other hand, will immediately pass this on to everyone he knows. Carl understands the true magic of being helpful, being an asset, and sharing the wealth, so to speak. He understands that planting a single kernel of corn can result in harvesting many. So, it is time to make up your mind - are you going to be a Bob, and just walk away? Or will you be Carl, and share this with everyone, right now, while it is on your mind? They are all just an email away. Just copy the URL above, put it in an email and send it to everyone you know. Tell them to READ THIS FREE BOOK!

"If you sow good seed upon fertile ground,
it will return to you a hundred-fold."
(New Testament)

Meanwhile, if you are still having difficulty finding an appropriate vehicle to wealth and prosperity, I invite you once again to visit our website (below). There is a lot more free info there for you, and who knows - maybe our method is the perfect solution for you, as it has been for thousands of others. You owe it to yourself to check out Bill's program, "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate". It's easy, effective, and anyone can do it. It includes free coaching, and a lifetime guarantee. After reading this little eBook, we think you will realize that Bill is exactly the right person to help you achieve success.

Bear in mind - even if you have never desired to invest in real estate as a career, if you ever plan on buying a home, or move up to a better home this program is guaranteed to save you many thousands of dollars. It could be the best investment you could ever make in yourself.

Now, pass this book around - the more people who profit from this (your circle, plus my circle), the more your own wealth will grow, as will mine. But I do ask a favor in return...

All I ask is that you do not hesitate - send this URL, to everyone in your address book, and tell them to READ THIS FREE BOOK! Please do it now, before you forget. For the "magic" to work for you, too, the magic number is 20 - you must pass this on to at least 20 people. If you do not have 20 in your address book, jot down the URL and pass it around to friends, relatives and people at work.

Before you go, don't forget to follow the author, Bill Vaughn, on Twitter at Sometimes educational, sometimes humorous, always entertaining.

Good luck, good health and may the prosperity you desire find you quickly.


Bill Vaughn

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